get 500+ LinkedIn connections in 3 weeks

According to LinkedIn, people with over 30 contacts show up 75% more often than those who have fewer connections. Simply stated, more contacts generate more leads and more profile exposure.

Whether you are utilizing LinkedIn to promote your business, keep tabs on the competition or find that perfect job, reaching 500+ is worth your time.

Having a complete profile is critical to gaining connections. A profile must have, for example, a profile photo. Unlike Facebook, a LinkedIn profile photo should be a professional head shot, not a cropped picture of you at the beach with your kids. LinkedIn also suggests that you have at least 3 recommendations. It’s also recommended that you complete the Skills section of your profile and have those that know you endorse your skills.

To increase my overall web exposure, I decided to set a goal of 500+ contacts and 10 recommendations in approximately 3 weeks. This goal, I knew, was going to take a concerted effort on my behalf. My primary goal for networking with people on LinkedIn was to build relationships and generate business leads. Adding contact names so quickly is somewhat counterintuitive, however, with the efforts that I was applying in order to make my deadline, I was, in fact, able to connect with people in a meaningful way, learning about them, their purpose for using LinkedIn and making further introductions.

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Source: HubPages